Elijon King
Professor Pastore
November 27, 2021
Engish 11000
My first genre is a billboard. My billboard includes a photo depicting dying crops, specifically wheat. I chose wheat since it is a key element in a variety of goods, including bread, noodles, pasta, and even livestock feed. In addition to that, wheat is used to make antibiotics, baby food, and more. In conclusion, wheat is a significant ingredient in many products we use every day. The Earth’s temperature continues to rise as a result of the excessive use of fossil fuels on a daily basis. The significance of the chart on my billboard is to show the increasing temperatures caused by global warming. By the year 2100, the Earth’s temperature may increase by 2-6 degrees celsius. Hotter temperatures cause more water evaporation, which dries out soil and vegetation. My graph depicts a 22% decline in the amount of wheat we will produce by 2050. This means that crops such as wheat will require more resources to produce. An increase in temperature impacts all 7,909,681,937 people on Earth, as indicated on my chart. This brings me to the following image on my billboard: increasing ocean tides.
In my billboard, I provided an image of the polar ice caps melting, resulting in higher tides and more dangerous and deadly waves. Global warming contributed to the ferocious waves triggered by climate change can result in hurricanes such as Hurricane Ida, which caused 95 billion dollars worth of damage. Even so, Hurricane Ida is only the seventh most costly hurricane since 2000.
When I say this is an emergency, I’m not exaggerating; I’m simply stating the facts. To demonstrate this, I displayed the phrase “climate change is an emergency” on my billboard. This is meant to draw your attention to my billboard.
A social media post is my second genre. The post’s graphic features a cartoon illustrating how the polar ice caps will look when everything has melted. I chose to display this image of the polar ice caps melting because it demonstrates how global warming is destroying the ice caps, which directly affects polar bears. The Earth’s temperature continues to rise as a result of the excessive use of fossil fuels on a daily basis. This causes water to evaporate quicker, resulting in even more droughts. The droughts in my social media post are significant because they depict how farm agriculture may appear in the future if temperatures continue to go up. By presenting these graphics in this manner, you will become more conscious of the problem and contemplate taking action. The following image in my social media post highlights the hazards of rising tides. You can see the hazards of increasing waves, which are a direct result of global warming.
This brings me to the next image on my social media post, which is a chart displaying the rise in global temperature from 1880 to 2020. The graphic shows that January 2020 was the warmest month on record. Previously, the hottest month on record was in January 2016, which showed a temperature increase of 0.04 of a degree Farenheit. In only four years’ time, the temperature managed to go up to 2.05 degrees F. This difference may not appear to be significant, but when you do the math, it is an increase of more than 50 times.
For my research essay, I opted to write about the dangers of climate change and how humanity as a whole can mitigate the effects of it. After doing extensive research on my topic, I came to the conclusion that climate change is usually harmful to the ecosystem and that there are measures to alleviate the impacts of greenhouse gases. It is vital to disseminate this knowledge to the general public because more people must be informed of the consequences of global warming and greenhouse gas emissions. This should encourage many individuals to consume fewer fossil fuels and live a more sustainable lifestyle. Eventually, people will figure out ways to live a more sustainable life and stop the effects of climate change.
While writing my research essay, I assumed that my audience was unfamiliar with the subject of climate change. The main barrier I ran into while trying to communicate my topic to the audience was a lack of knowledge. In order to overcome this obstacle, I provided facts and details about how I came to my conclusion. In addition, I determined the sort of audience I wanted to target with my essay. My research essay was geared towards people who lack information about climate change, and whether it had a negative or positive effect on the environment. The composition process was different from my research essay because I am explaining everything I learned from my research. I discovered that global warming is harmful to agriculture. In my research, I was trying to determine whether global warming is good or bad for crops, now I’m explaining how global warming is detrimental for crops. As a visual example, I put a photo of dying crops on my billboard and social media post, to demonstrate the impacts of global warming. I believe that a social media post is the most effective way to reach out to people and inform them about these dangers. A majority of the population has some type of social media nowadays, it is the most efficient and straightforward way to reach out to people.
My next genre is a billboard. This genre excels at enticing an audience because it provides a visual for your topic as well as an explanation for your argument/topic. Billboards are frequently used by businesses to advertise their products or services. For example, if a company wanted to market a beach resort they would include information about the facility as well as a picture of the beach. This is exactly the kind of strategy I am hoping to implement. Except that in my situation, I would be using this method to warn people about the dangers of climate change. This genre will appeal to individuals of all ages, but particularly to those driving by and passing by the billboard. One of the rhetorical practices I found myself using was purpose. I demonstrated the purpose of my essay by giving reasons for people to live a more sustainable life, effectively mitigating the effects of global warming. All the concepts on my billboard are factual statements about climate change. Using the visuals on my billboard, I attempted to convey a sense of urgency that would impact the world if we do not take action. People may say after seeing this billboard, “it is not my problem” but in fact, it is everyone’s problem. This is due to the fact that global warming is a worldly problem.
I looked for research sources to get my information from.
Which is a direct result of global warming
stand out because it will raise peoples’ curiosity about climate change and how it affects our world.
Climate change doesn’t just affect corn, it affects everyone. This is why everyone should be thinking of ways on how to stop it.
During these past years, human activities have released gasses such as carbon dioxide and other gasses into Earth’s atmosphere. A large amount of these gasses are produced from burning fossil fuels in order to produce energy. Greenhouse gasses trap the Sun’s heat, warming the atmosphere. This process is known as the greenhouse effect, and while it may seem dangerous, it is necessary for supporting life on earth. However, while greenhouse gasses build up, the climate changes for the worse, and results in a hostile environment for humans. A hotter climate can negatively change the environment, agriculture, and water supplies, which directly affects our health. While we can mitigate some effects of greenhouse gasses, other effects cannot be helped. For example, carbon dioxide can remain in Earth’s atmosphere for many years, causing the atmosphere to be continually warmed.
Over the past century, climate change has started to have a huge effect on the world. The Earth’s surface temperature has continued to rise in temperature due to the use of fossil fuels being burned for energy. Scientists have concluded that temperatures will rise for centuries, will also result in the melting of the polar ice caps. In addition to this, polar ice caps will melt, sea levels will rise, and there will be more warm fronts. All of these factors can be detrimental to human society as a whole, which means everyone will be affected.
For my research essay, I chose to write about the dangers of climate change and how humanity as a whole can mitigate the effects of it. After extensive research of my topic, I concluded that climate change is generally bad for the environment and that there are ways to mitigate the effects of greenhouse gasses. It is critical to distribute this knowledge to the general public because more people need to be aware of the hazards of climate change and greenhouse gas emissions. This, hopefully, will motivate many people to consume fewer fossil fuels and live a more sustainable lifestyle. Eventually, people will figure out ways to live a more sustainable life and stop the effects of climate change. While writing my research essay, I assumed that my audience was unfamiliar with the subject of climate change. The main barrier I ran into while trying to communicate my topic to the audience was a lack of knowledge. In order to overcome this obstacle, I provided facts and details about how I came to my conclusion. In addition to that, I identified what type of audience I would be gearing my essay towards. My research essay was geared towards people who lack information about climate change, and whether it had a negative or positive effect on the environment.